
The Christmas Story


Star of Bethlehem

Holidays & Parties

10 Ways to Give Back


Gifts of the Spirit


5 Things to Help Love Your Neighbor

We draw our strength and power to serve from Him. God’s grace through us is all we need to love our neighbors.

Acts of Kindness

God built our bodies to be happy about giving. The brain chemical oxytocin gives us warm feelings toward others and pleasure when we give.

10 Reminders God Loves You

Here are a just a few of the many Bible verses that remind us of God's endless love.

God Is One

Faith in God is about a relationship, not a religion.



Corrie Ten Boom: The Power of Forgiveness

For many, the name Corrie ten Boom calls to mind a talkative elderly woman with an accent who always seemed to be going on about Jesus. That’s not wrong, but the description captures only a glimpse of her near the end of her life.

Controlled Chaos

Kid clutter can ruin a house! Yes, we love and adore these little people. However, they can be messy. Manage their mayhem and calm their chaos with these ideas and maybe the living room will be ready when your mother-in-law unexpectedly visits.

Good Carbs Vs. Bad Carbs

Carbs tend to get a bad rap these days. From low-carb to high-carb diets, which one is best? The answer is not so simple. Carbs have an important function: They provide energy. If you don’t eat enough, you can feel sluggish, unfocused and unmotivated. On the other hand, consume too many of the wrong kind of carbs and you risk gaining body fat or developing a chronic disease, such as diabetes. Here’s a crash course on carbs so you’ll choose foods that are best for you.

Accepting God's Standards

God gives us guidelines for complete fulfillment. For joy beyond our expectations. For love that defies description. For feelings of worth and value that transcend our imaginations.

Bible IQ

You leave church one Sunday thinking about the Bible, which your pastor said is a guide in all of life.

Restful Travel

Use your next vacation as an excuse to relax and unwind. Put down your schedule, unplug your devices and immerse yourself in all the peace and beauty God’s creation offers.

Multigrain & Veggie Sandwich

Build hearty sandwiches full of flavor and crisp texture on half-inch slices of fresh homemade multigrain bread.

5 Ways to Combat Stress

Adopt these good-for-you habits. They foster physical and mental health and a sense of spiritual well-being.

Divine by Design: Lessons from the Garden

What better way to celebrate Spring than by planting a vegetable garden. Cultivating this God-given bounty nourishes both body and spirit while reaffirming our faith.
Holidays & Parties

Family Reunion

Summer days are fleeting and precious. How we revel in time to dip our feet in cool waters, inhale the matchless smell of freshly cut grass, watch and marvel at the power of an afternoon thunderstorm. Yet these lazy days so quickly fill with the busy schedules of the season. We chase baseball tournaments, family vacations, camps, church activities. All are worthy pursuits but borrowers, too, from the limited moments available between the first sunrises of June and the lingering sunsets of August. This summer we would do well to listen to the admonition of Scripture. The writer of Hebrews tells us not to give up the habit of meeting together, that there are joys in fellowship that cannot be found anywhere else. The families on the following pages have committed to meet together each summer. They share food, friendship, games and stories. They meet at homes, on family farms, around tables and campfires, all with the aim of knowing each other well and building memories that outlast their time together. Summer days are fleeting and precious. But when we savor them with family, for years afterward the sweetness remains.

After God's Heart

David is known for greatness—as a runt shepherd boy he used a slingshot to kill the giant Goliath. Later he was crowned king, serving his people as both leader and warrior. He is recognized as having a bold love for God—he leapt and danced with joy before the presence of God as the Ark of the Covenant moved through public streets while Saul’s daughter watched with hatred and mocked him. Possibly most surprising is that David is remembered for his despicable sins, confirming that, with repentance, God does forgive.

Best For You

Spring is peak season for nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables. Here’s our produce Top Ten list based on nutrition, taste and visual appeal.


Allow your home to be the restorative peaceful space God intended. Clear out all the virtual, physical and mental clutter and replace it with intentional messaging that draws you closer to him. Your house will best serve your family by being a protective, spiritual haven.


Unplug from the hustle and bustle and explore God's creation—a gorgeous coastline filled with lighthouses, lobster shacks and natural beauty seemingly around every corner.

On Board

Grazing boards are a sophisticated and simple way to cater to many tastes and appetites, with morsels customized to your family. This dinner board overflows with sweet and savory flavors of spring—delicious and versatile ingredients for a fresh, filling meal to delight the whole family. save room for a delectable dessert board to follow.

Go Back

Singer-songwriter David Dunn talks about the message of childlike faith in his song, “I Wanna Go Back,” from his most recent record, Yellow Balloons.

Everyday Habits

Many of us have unhealthy habits that we wish we could break, change or toss out the window. The truth is that changing a habit is difficult and can seem like a big challenge. Focusing on our daily habits, exercise and smart eating is a great place to start. Here are some simple steps we can take each day to help us lead a more balanced life.

Seeking Truth

As I stood in line waiting for my pumpkin-spice latte, I overheard a conversation between two women standing in front of me. One woman shared about how distant she had been feeling toward her husband the last few years. She spoke of loneliness, frustration at his callousness to her needs, and the lack of spark and passion. Empathetic to her sadness, I waited to hear how her friend would respond. “I think it’s time for you to move on,” she said flatly. “God wants you to be happy. If your husband isn’t making you happy, you should leave him so you can see what else God has in store for you.”

Real Retreat

A calm place where you can escape the troubles of the world and regroup is one of the most restorative rooms in the house.

Passion Series Posters

As a way to help tell His story, we’ve created a series of posters to remind us of the sacrifice He made. Follow each link according to its title to download and save each poster.

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