
Allow your home to be the restorative peaceful space God intended. Clear out all the virtual, physical and mental clutter and replace it with intentional messaging that draws you closer to him. Your house will best serve your family by being a protective, spiritual haven.

Change Your Frame of Mind

Times have changed. Stress-filled days no longer get left at the front door: They enter our homes through our phones and an endless stream of connectivity and web content. We carry a sense of urgency, anxiety and the emotional need to be on our phones even when trying to relax. We are distracted from the people we claim are most important to us. We are distracted from spending time with God.

Technology offers many benefits, but damage occurs with overconsumption. Constant connectedness to work and the world can create bitterness and envy in our hearts. God calls on us to cast our anxieties on Him (1 Peter 5:7). To do this we need time to be with Him. Protect peace and stillness within your home with boundaries. The dining room and bedrooms are natural screen-free zones. Move televisions and computers to other rooms, and ban phones at the table or bedside.

Make these rooms peaceful with calming colors and minimal decoration and accessories. Add fresh green plants and frame Bible verses and life-giving messages for a side table or dresser top.

“But let all who take refuge in you rejoice; let them ever sing for joy, and spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may exult in you.”
Psalm 5:11 ESV

Send a Good Message

You don’t need to be a minimalist to sense that clutter can burden your mind and spirit. Piles of paperwork, objects out of place and everyday items strewn about can be overwhelming and add to a feeling of disorganization. Take control of the clutter. Begin with a good edit—if you don’t need certain household items, or have too many for your home, pass them on. Pray for His wisdom to guide and remind you that material possessions are not required for true joy. God desires that you look after your home with great care (Proverbs 31:27).

Create an intentional space to worship and read the word. Whether you set aside an entire room or a small desk, it’s prioritizing God that matters. Simple steps can help you bring serenity to a place where you want to be alone with God. Keep your Bible, a journal, and edifying books together and send the physical message to God, and yourself, that in this place He is welcome and lifted up.

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
MATTHEW 6:19-21

Let Your House Talk

God’s Word is life-giving and will not return void. Display verses in your home to encourage good thoughts which also promise to improve your outlook on life. Here are a few ways you can bring a positive, biblical message to your house:

  • Leave a Bible open on the kitchen counter and read it as you pass by.
  • Hand-letter items or download artwork for household items.
  • Display artwork inspired by a favorite hymn or song in a frame. 
  • Cover books with the Fruit of the Spirit or other godly messages.
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