Noah and the Ark
The story of Noah afloat with all those animals has delighted children for thousands of years. But there is a deeper, richer story for all of us about obedience to God.
Rebuilding Through Faith
The trials of life sometimes seem to crash down on us like an avalanche. Emotional, financial, physical and spiritual problems take their toll.There’s only one way out, one door to go through. Cry out for the Lord. It was that way for Sandi Hixson. Her story is offered to honor all those who allow the light of God’s Word to guide their paths in difficult times.
Deliverance on Highway 6
Theologians may debate the existence of miracles, but for Texas couple Cody and Cheri Clemmons, the Truth has spiritual and physical power to set the lost free.
Called to an African Village
He was once a Wall Street broker and she was once a professional photographer. Now this husband-and-wife team serves as missionaries in distant southern Africa. Rooted in the Word, they are helping to change lives in a rural village.
What a Beautiful Name
We can learn a lot about God by observing what He does throughout Scripture, but we can also gain great insight into His nature by studying His many names—from Alpha and Omega to the Bread of Life to Abba Father. Add another dimension to your prayer life by including these names in your praise, worship and petitions.
Creature Comforts
No dog should settle for an ordinary bowl and bed when she can have such fine furnishings as these. Très chic, mon chien!
Call to Fitness
The latest in fitness equipment is the smart phone. New phone apps put a personal trainer in your pocket as the world becomes your gym. Here are seven helpful apps and what they will do for you.
The Healthy Plate
Begin your healthful eating plan by filling three-quarters of your plate with vegetables, grains and fruit.
Sweet Notes
Greeting cards are welcome arrivals in mailboxes. Learn how to make your own cards and store them in a handy organizer.
A Time to Plant
From the day humans were created, we’ve been drawn to gardening. Plant a garden this year and you’ll be happier, more fit and more spiritually healthy. Plus, there are all those tomatoes.
Dave Ramsey Fall 2013
Student loans and paying back family debts.
Dave Ramsey Summer 2013
Extracurriculars, savings and college expenses.
Dave Ramsey Spring 2013
College savings, the HARP program and auto insurance claims.
Dave Ramsey Winter 2013
Tithing and early access to 401k accounts.
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