How Sweet It Is

Good things come in small packages—especially if the gifts inside are creamy chocolate truffles, chewy salted caramels and other delicious homemade treats. Make several batches, then wrap them in pretty packaging like ours.

Dark and richly flavored with semisweet and mint-chocolate chips, these heavenly truffles will please the chocolate lovers on your list.
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Mint Chocolate Truffles

Dark and richly flavored with semisweet and mint-chocolate chips, these heavenly truffles will please the chocolate lovers on your list. Smooth and velvety inside, these truffles are reminiscent of truffles made the more complicated way with ganache, yet our ingredients melt quickly in the microwave. After a good chill in the fridge, scoop the mix into tiny balls and roll in cocoa powder. Make and deliver these on the same day in a box lined with colorful papers.

Recipe: Mint Chocolate Truffles

Our Salted Caramels, a sweet butter caramel with a heavy sprinkling of salt, were inspired by a classicl treat from Brittany, France.
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Salted Caramels

Our sweet butter caramels with a heavy sprinkling of salt were inspired by a classic treat from Brittany, France. This recipe is made the old-fashioned way using butter and real cream with a modern twist—we've used agave nectar in place of some sugar. Our recipe contrasts sweet caramel with coarse sea salt. You can also try it using other salts, such as smoked sea salt or pink Himalayan salt. Or go authentic and use a flaky hand-harvested salt from the marshes of Brittany.

Recipe: Salted Caramels

For the bakers in your life, what could be more appreciated than a bottle of homemade vanilla extract?
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Vanilla Extract

For the bakers in your life, what could more appreciated than a bottle of homemade vanilla extract? Fragrant fresh vanilla bean pods are split, then steeped in vegetable glycerin for 6 weeks. Clear or deeply colored bottles in interesting shapes make this a one-of-a-kind gift. 

Recipe: Vanilla Extract

Download: Vanilla Bottle Label

Raspberry Pinwheels
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Raspberry Pinwheels

Spiraled pink and white dough bakes into tender cookies with a delicate raspberry-and-vanilla flavor. These showstopping treats are easy to make. Divide plain dough and add color and flavorings. Roll out both doughs, layer and roll into a log. Wrapped logs will stay fresh in the fridge for up to 24 hours before slicing and baking. 

Recipe: Raspberry Pinwheels

When the weather gets chilly, a cup of smooth hot chocolate spiked with a dash of cayenne pepper warms from the inside out. This gift of Hot Chocolate Mix is ultra convenient for the recipient to make.
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Hot Chocolate

When the weather gets chilly, a cup of smooth hot chocolate spiked with a dash of cayenne pepper warms from the inside out. This gift is ultra convenient for the recipient to make. All it takes for a cup of our hot chocolate is hot water and a quick stir. 

Recipe: Hot Chocolate

Download: Hot Chocolate Label

Gourmet popcorn purchased in a specialty food store is an expensive treat. Make our Cranberry Caramel Crunch Popcorn homemade to save money and eliminate any preservatives.
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Cranberry Caramel Crunch Popcorn

Gourmet popcorn purchased in a specialty food store is an expensive treat. Make it homemade to save money and eliminate any preservatives. Our caramel popcorn recipe is tasty plain or studded with dried cranberries. Personalize it by exchanging the cranberries for other stir-ins such as dried blueberries, nuts or mini chocolate pieces. Or, drizzle melted white or dark chocolate over the top and let dry before packaging. Use our labels for a polished package. 

Recipe: Cranberry Caramel Crunch Popcorn

Download: Popcorn Label

It takes about an hour to make our festive Holiday Peppermint Bark. Wrap shards in a parchment-lined tin.
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Holiday Peppermint Bark

It takes about an hour to make this festive candy of layered white bark and chocolate chips. Crushed peppermint candies add Christmas color and crunch. Wrap shards in a parchment-lined tin. Velvet ribbon and a fancy label transform this quick recipe into an impressive gift. 

Recipe: Holiday Peppermint Bark

Download: Peppermint Bark Label

Life:Beautiful's Frosted Sugar Cookies are tender, yet firm enough to hold up to artful decorating.
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Frosted Sugar Cookies

A pair of perfect snowflakes wrapped in plaid packaging is a tiny gift that says you care enough to send your best. The cookies are tender, yet firm enough to hold up to artful decorating. While these cookies may take more time to create, they promise a lasting memory.

Recipe: Frosted Sugar Cookies

Download: Plaid Paper Packaging

More remarkeable than an everyday mix, our Spiced Nuts offer an elegant teaming of flavors that foodies love.
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Spiced Nuts

More remarkable than an everyday mix, this nut blend offers an elegant teaming of flavors that foodies love. Imagine almonds, walnuts and pecans doused in a buttery glaze of fresh rosemary and spices that offer a slow and pleasant heat. A perfect snack for a brisk winter’s night. 

Recipe: Spiced Nuts

Download: Spiced Nuts Label

Written by Wanda Ventling | Photographed by Tobin Bennett
© Grey Dog Media, LLC 2025. All Rights Reserved.

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