Easy-Cook Grain Guide

From familiar nutty brown rice to less well-known, smoky-flavor freekeh, whole grains are simple to cook and high in nutritional value. Grains are the cornerstone to many delicious, healthful meals.

How Sweet It Is

Good things come in small packages—especially if the gifts inside are creamy chocolate truffles, chewy salted caramels and other delicious homemade treats. Make several batches, then wrap them in pretty packaging like ours.

Bowls of Comfort

A soothing bowl of soup can instantly make you feel better on a cold winter day.

Bite Size

At your next party, include an array of little tastes that offer new and intriguing flavors.

Multigrain & Veggie Sandwich

Build hearty sandwiches full of flavor and crisp texture on half-inch slices of fresh homemade multigrain bread.

Family Reunion

Summer days are fleeting and precious. How we revel in time to dip our feet in cool waters, inhale the matchless smell of freshly cut grass, watch and marvel at the power of an afternoon thunderstorm. Yet these lazy days so quickly fill with the busy schedules of the season. We chase baseball tournaments, family vacations, camps, church activities. All are worthy pursuits but borrowers, too, from the limited moments available between the first sunrises of June and the lingering sunsets of August. This summer we would do well to listen to the admonition of Scripture. The writer of Hebrews tells us not to give up the habit of meeting together, that there are joys in fellowship that cannot be found anywhere else. The families on the following pages have committed to meet together each summer. They share food, friendship, games and stories. They meet at homes, on family farms, around tables and campfires, all with the aim of knowing each other well and building memories that outlast their time together. Summer days are fleeting and precious. But when we savor them with family, for years afterward the sweetness remains.

Best For You

Spring is peak season for nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables. Here’s our produce Top Ten list based on nutrition, taste and visual appeal.

On Board

Grazing boards are a sophisticated and simple way to cater to many tastes and appetites, with morsels customized to your family. This dinner board overflows with sweet and savory flavors of spring—delicious and versatile ingredients for a fresh, filling meal to delight the whole family. save room for a delectable dessert board to follow.

Fall Bounty

On crisp autumn days, God’s glorious bounty overflows in our markets. Rich and robust, there’s no doubt that farm-fresh produce was created so we can enjoy luscious meals. Fill your holidays with the enticing aromas of fall spices, roast pork and baked desserts, and thank the Lord for family and fine food. Here’s inspiration for fall cooking—eight exceptional recipes that make the most of nature’s harvest.

Perfect Pairings

The next time you cozy up for a fireside chat, match an aromatic cup of hot coffee, chocolate or tea and a sweetly delicious treat. The complementary flavors in these recipe pairings are perfect companions for conversation.

Coffee & Donuts

When was the last time you tasted the perfection of a warm, homemade donut? If the answer takes you back to your grandmother’s kitchen, consider reliving the sweet memory by making a batch of your own.

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