Your body is God’s temple. Take care of it with our easy tips.
9 Easy Habits for Better Health
The importance of good health also seems obvious: It makes everyday work, play and living enjoyable, meaningful, effective and successful. Yet there’s a reason beyond practicality and happiness for taking good care of our bodies. God wants us to.
Just Start
Certified fitness professional and author of 'The Wellness Revelation' Alisa Keeton will challenge you to get fit with God so that He can free you to complete your purpose. She teaches that when we get fit physically and spiritually, we will be better equipped to love and serve others. Learn how to change the way you perceive yourself and the way that you live your life.
Seek Peace
We are carrying more on our plates than ever before. Technology, opportunities and the pace of life have pushed our capacity past the limits. God created us to live within a balance of work and rest. By taking time to reflect, reorganize and re-focus, we can return our lives to a manageable, spirit-led pace.
Good Carbs Vs. Bad Carbs
Carbs tend to get a bad rap these days. From low-carb to high-carb diets, which one is best? The answer is not so simple. Carbs have an important function: They provide energy. If you don’t eat enough, you can feel sluggish, unfocused and unmotivated. On the other hand, consume too many of the wrong kind of carbs and you risk gaining body fat or developing a chronic disease, such as diabetes. Here’s a crash course on carbs so you’ll choose foods that are best for you.
5 Ways to Combat Stress
Adopt these good-for-you habits. They foster physical and mental health and a sense of spiritual well-being.
Divine by Design: Lessons from the Garden
What better way to celebrate Spring than by planting a vegetable garden. Cultivating this God-given bounty nourishes both body and spirit while reaffirming our faith.
Everyday Habits
Many of us have unhealthy habits that we wish we could break, change or toss out the window. The truth is that changing a habit is difficult and can seem like a big challenge. Focusing on our daily habits, exercise and smart eating is a great place to start. Here are some simple steps we can take each day to help us lead a more balanced life.
Real Retreat
A calm place where you can escape the troubles of the world and regroup is one of the most restorative rooms in the house.
Wake Up!
The side effects of caffeine—headaches, acid reflux and insomnia, to name a few—can be real buzzkills. Try a healthy alternative to your daily cup of joe for clean-living energy.
Soak Up Color
Color affects us, maybe more than we think. As the days get shorter and the colors of nature hibernate for the winter, many people suffer from winter blues. It’s more than just a phrase: The lack of sunlight can affect people to such an extent that they become depressed, referred to as seasonal affective disorder, or SAD syndrome.
Smooth Weight Loss
If you’ve added exercise to your weight-loss program, your body needs nutritious foods for fuel. We’ll get you started with a fruit smoothie.
Mind & Body Mood Boosters
Don't let the winter months put a freeze on your joy. Beat SAD with biblical wisdom and these natural remedies.
Time for Tea
Bring out that lovely ceramic teapot and brew a few cups of black, green or oolong tea. Enjoy the flavor—and the health benefits.
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