Wake Up!
The side effects of caffeine—headaches, acid reflux and insomnia, to name a few—can be real buzzkills. Try a healthy alternative to your daily cup of joe for clean-living energy.
COLD WATER: Drinking cold water triggers adrenaline, which gets your brain and body going faster.
LEMON: Maximizes enzyme function to help rid your body of toxins that can make you drowsy.
GUM: Increase the flow of oxygen to the part of the brain responsible for attention. Chew for better focus.
EGGS: Loaded with B and D vitamins, eggs are also high in protein. Get energized with eggs.
GINKGO BILOBA: Increase circulation and blood flow to the brain with this Chinese remedy.
GINGER: Eating ginger improves circulation throughout the body so you feel more energized.
EDAMAME: Dips in blood sugar can leave you feeling sluggish. These soybeans are an antidote.
WHOLE GRAIN CEREAL: Control blood sugars by getting fiber from cereal. Helps to keep energy up.
ALMONDS/TRAIL MIX: For steady energy, nuts and dried fruit are packed with healthy fats and carbs.
KALE: The high amount of calcium in kale helps cells produce the energy that keeps you feeling alert.
VITAMIN B12: Get plenty of B vitamins for energy. Good sources for B12 are beef, poultry and eggs.
GINSENG: Add this potent herb to tea and other drinks. It may reduce fatigue and increase energy.
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