Generous Like Jesus

Tithing to your church is a disciplined form of giving. Try this ancient exercise in faith and watch what the Lord does in your financial life.

Embroidery Stitching Guide

These stitching how-to’s will help you create the t-shirt and onesie designs seen in Life:Beautiful magazine.

Acts of Kindness

God built our bodies to be happy about giving. The brain chemical oxytocin gives us warm feelings toward others and pleasure when we give.

God Is One

Faith in God is about a relationship, not a religion.

Corrie Ten Boom: The Power of Forgiveness

For many, the name Corrie ten Boom calls to mind a talkative elderly woman with an accent who always seemed to be going on about Jesus. That’s not wrong, but the description captures only a glimpse of her near the end of her life.

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