16 Promises of God to Meditate On
The Most High is a faithful, promise-keeping God. Throughout the Bible, God makes and fulfills promises to His people. There’s a promise to meet absolutely every need you face. Boost your faith by digging into the promises of God and trust that He will keep His word.
The Four Types of Love in Scripture
The four primary types of love found in Scripture are agape, eros, storge and phileo. Each type of love is displayed through our relationship with God and with one another.
How to Use God's Promises
The Most High is a faithful, promise-keeping God. Throughout the Bible, God makes and fulfills promises to His people. There’s a promise to meet absolutely every need you face. Boost your faith by digging into the promises of God and trust that He will keep His word.
25 Ways to Burn Calories
A few calories a spent throughout the day add up to better fitness.
How to Count Macros
Not all calories are created equal. Pay attention to the nutrition behind them and you'll find it easier to manage your weight.
3 Tips to Get Moving
Physical exercise is the cornerstone of good and lasting health. Study after study has proven that healthy eating habits and regular exercise are the keys to living longer and with more vitality. They are the only true fountain of youth.
7 Healthy Cooking Oils
Heart-healthy oils made from plants are among the foods you may want to increase in your diet. Some are best for cooking and others for adding to salads or dips.
Sunday Supper Recipe Ideas
Sunday is for rest and gathering with family and friends. Whether you congregate to carry out traditions or to pass down family recipes, coming together over a hot sunday meal does the soul good.
The Proverbs 31 Woman
“She is not afraid for her household when it snows, for all her household are clothed in crimson.” Proverbs 31:21 NRSV
How to Eat Organic on a Budget
If you've been avoiding organic foods because you believe the prices are too high, here are strategies for smart organic shopping.
9 Bible Verses About Joy
Rejoice together as we commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ! Save this page and reflect on the many reasons to be joyful this holiday season.
Ways to Welcome Christmas
A few practical ways to welcome Christmas and glorify Christ this season:
9 Bible Verses to Inspire Gratitude
Thanksgiving is a time to humble ourselves as loving servants of a living God and celebrate our good and faithful Lord. Save this post and focus on the true meaning of giving thanks this holiday season.
Build Your Faith
Jesus taught that faith doesn’t have to be large to achieve great things. He compared it to a mustard seed (Matthew 17:20 NKJV). The mustard seed is quite small, about 1/8 inch around. Jesus taught us that faith, like a seed, can grow. The common mustard plant in Israel grows from seed to 10 feet tall in a single growing season. In the same way, your faith can grow very large in a short time. God gave us the strategy to build faith in His written Word, the Bible. Try a few of these tactics to give your faith a workout.
Wise Counsel for the Holidays
Holiday festivities often revolve around food, but the critical reason we gather every December involves no culinary expertise. Whether or not all of your dishes come out perfectly and on time, God is thankful His children gather together for a birthday feast in His Son’s honor.
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