Build Your Faith

Jesus taught that faith doesn’t have to be large to achieve great things. He compared it to a mustard seed (Matthew 17:20 NKJV). The mustard seed is quite small, about 1/8 inch around. Jesus taught us that faith, like a seed, can grow. The common mustard plant in Israel grows from seed to 10 feet tall in a single growing season. In the same way, your faith can grow very large in a short time. God gave us the strategy to build faith in His written Word, the Bible. Try a few of these tactics to give your faith a workout.

Ask God for faith. The disciples asked Jesus to increase their faith (Luke 17:5). We should do the same. Don’t hesitate to ask for faith again and again. Jesus taught that we should ask, seek and knock, and our heavenly Father God will give good things to us (Matthew 7:7–12).

Study Bible verses about faith. Start with Hebrews 11, the faith Hall of Fame chapter. As you read about the heroes of your faith, dig to find their entire stories in the Bible. Also read into Hebrews 12, and praise Jesus, who is the pioneer, author and originator of your faith and the one who perfects or finishes it (Hebrews 12:2).

Prove what you believe. Study the Bible to prove to yourself truths about God and His Word. For instance, prove that God exists (John 1:1–2; 1 Corinthians 8:6), that He cannot lie (Hebrews 6:18), that the Bible is His inspired words (2 Timothy 3:16) and that Jesus is the way to salvation (John 3:16).

Stir up God’s Spirit. Faith is a gift of the Holy Spirit, and God gives His Spirit to those who obey and turn away from sin. Study the Bible, obey what you learn and pray. This will nourish your faith and help it grow.

Live by faith. As you read the Bible, trust what God is saying. Do what He says. Put your faith into practice each day. Ask the Lord to give you opportunities to exercise your faith. Be practical as you seek to practice your faith, using it to help you with parenting decisions, job issues or sharing your love for Jesus with others.

Endure trials. As you endeavor to obey the Word of God, you will encounter trials. The Bible teaches that overcoming trials helps us grow in patience and perseverance (James 1:2–4). Ultimately trials are for our benefit and God will work them to good as we trust in Him (Romans 8:28). George Muller, an evangelist who truly lived by faith, once said “the only way to learn strong faith is to endure great trials.”

Do not compromise. Never deny your faith. Be steadfast in your faith and devotion to Jesus Christ, clinging to it no matter the price. Jude 3 urges believers to contend earnestly for the faith. That phrase, contend earnestly, means “to agonize over or struggle with intense determination.” Decide that you will not abandon your faith but will set your will to persevere, no matter the circumstances. Ask God to strengthen you with power through His Spirit in your inner being (Ephesians 3:16).

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