handmade leather tablet cases

Modern Case

These easy-to-make tech cases fold up to create a sophisticated place to store your favorite tablet.

Forget the designer price tag! You can create your own high-end tablet case with just a few tools and your favorite color of leather. We purchased material from a leather goods store, but you could also up-cycle a garage-sale find or an item you own. The character of an old leather coat or sofa cushion adds a mark of individuality to your project.


¼ yard of leather
Printed Small, Medium or Large Tablet Case Template
Masking tape
Screw-back button stud (7mm to 12mm)


Fabric scissors
Fine-point pen
Leather punch
Flathead screwdriver
Buttonhole punch


Lay leather finished side down on a smooth work surface. Lay printed template on top of leather. Adhere template to leather with masking tape. Use sharp fabric scissors to cut along the template outline. Set aside fabric scraps.

Use a fine-point pen to mark the buttonhole and stud placement, according to the template. Set template aside. With a leather punch, make small holes where marked for button stud. Fold the left flap to the middle. Place the screw back of the button closure through the back of left flap. Fold the right flap to the middle and push the screw through the hole. Repeat for the bottom flap. Twist the top part of the button stud onto the screw. Secure by tightening the back side with flathead screwdriver.

Use buttonhole punch to puncture hole in the top flap. Close by pushing button stud through buttonhole.

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