Going the Right Direction

There are many paths to the same destination, but some have fewer pitfalls and the promise of peace.


Capture the refreshing look of seaside homes while investing more creativity than cash.

Hued Blues

There's something magical about the process of dyeing textiles: Place white fabric into a bath of pigment, and it emerges a different color.

The Master's Plan for a Digital World

Though many believers find it tricky to discern God’s will, Bud and Betty Miller have learned the secret to His leadings. Even when they feel inadequate and clueless, they are confident God will show them the way.

Coming Home

Brian Bosworth played only three NFL seasons in the 1980s, and is still remembered as a rebel. No more. Now he's a new man in Christ.

The Genius of Gingham

White cotton crossed with colorful thread creates one of the most endearing fabrics of all time: gingham.

A Chance at Life

Given the chance to film one of God's miracle workers, filmmaker Brian Ivie learns from the divine Director that each life is precious, including his own.

Hope on This Side of Eternity

It was the fall of 2013. Like many young moms, Kim Andrew was juggling her busy life as a wife and mother of two with her commitments at work and her ministry to teens. Then the 29-year-old got the diagnosis. Cancer. And the roller coaster ride began. With honesty and humor, Kim blogs from her home in Pennsylvania about her life and her faith. She and her readers laugh, cry, worry and hope together. Here are samplings of her blog.

Sip Your Savings

Convenience and cravings come at a price whenever you order a quick coffee, soda or specialty drink. Pocket significant savings with beverages from home.

Dave Ramsey

Fixing a cash flow bind, making financial decisions as a couple and borrowing for a honeymoon.

Spring for Clean

Overwhelmed with spring-cleaning? Don't know where to start? Turn up your favorite music, grab a bucket of cleaning supplies and follow these tidy tips.

In Full Bloom

Tissue paper, a pair of scissors and a few simple folds create these delicate florals. Invite springtime into your home with one of the crafts ahead. After all, paper flowers are always in season.

Clean Slate

Put more spring in your step with these innovative cleaning tools.

New York City

Trek around New York City with us as we search for food, sights and expressions of faith.

Standing Firm in Faith

David Green, founder of Hobby Lobby stores, is worth honoring for his federal court challenge to Obamacare rules on religious freedom grounds. But more important, David is a faithful, generous and humble follower of the Lord.

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