Design by the Book

By bringing tangible evidence of faith into the design of our homes, personal priorities stay in focus and opportunities open for sharing our hope. Let the Source of all great design inspire you with themes of the Holy Land, nature, and truth.

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Jerusalem is the City of David, the heart of the Promised Land and the focus of prophecy fulfilled and unfulfilled. Its significance to God commands our attention. Frame a reproduction antique map in sections for an interesting art and conversation piece. Measure and mark cut lines on the map, then use a straight edge and utility knife to cut apart. 

Calm and inviting, this restful space encourage prayer. Physical comforts include a thick rug for bended knees, a small table, a comfy chaise and good lighting for Bible reading or journaling. Wall art serves as a reminder to pray.
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Calm and inviting, this restful space encourages prayer. Physical comforts include a thick rug for bended knees, a small table, a comfy chaise and good lighting for Bible reading or journaling.  Wall art serves as a reminder to pray. Panels are made from recycled boards glued together and cut into 22-inch squares, topped with found wooden and metal  letters. Picture mounting kits finish the backs. 

A room accent becomes a prompt for remembering God's mercy. The half-spherical bowl of rocks represents the world. The dark rocks symbolize fallen mankind and the single white one, our sinless Savior. The contrasting rocks also remind us of the daily battle we face to live godly lives, of good versus evil, light versus darkness.
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A room accent becomes a prompt for remembering God’s mercy. The half-spherical bowl of rocks represents the world. The dark rocks symbolize fallen mankind and the single white one, our sinless Savior. The contrasting rocks also remind us of the daily battle we face to live godly lives, of good versus evil, light versus darkness.  Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” John 8:12 NIV. 

Bold and uplifting, pink makes a strong statement about God's omnipotent power. Sparrows remind us of His promise to watch over us.
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Bold and uplifting, pink makes a strong statement about God’s omnipotent power. Sparrows remind us of His promise to watch over us: “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father … So do not be afraid; you are of more value than many sparrows.” Matthew 10:29, 31 NRSV. 

The appliqué pillow is made by adhering a sparrow motif to the fabric. A running stitch edges the bird and shell buttons create a mock flange border sewn on after the pillow is stuffed. Birch branches add natural contrast. 

Project: Bird Pillow

Bright green and yellow against a neutral palette remind us of the new life we find in Jesus.
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Bright green and yellow against a neutral palette remind us of the new life we find in Jesus. Wheatgrass, books on nature and a subtle animal print rug turn our thoughts to the beauty of creation in this restful room.

A graphic Bible verse on crisp linen pillows is created with heat transfer paper.
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The graphic Bible verse on crisp linen pillows is created with heat transfer paper.

Project: Genesis Pillow and Verse Pillow

Written by and Jill Johnson | Photographed by King Au
© Grey Dog Media, LLC 2025. All Rights Reserved.

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