Take inspiration from a favorite Christmas carol to decorate your home this holiday season. choose one or two verses as a central theme. Then bring the snowy outdoors inside with layers of wintry whites mixed with accents of gold, silver and evergreen. Each room will feel warm and inviting as you share the message of Jesus' birth.
See Winter Songs, Winter 2022 issue, for instructions and more information.
Paper Star Ornament
Paper Star Ornament - Hand-cut (PDF)
Paper Star Ornament - Cricut® (SVG)
Christmas Carols Book
Christmas Carols Book Cover (PDF)
Christmas Carols Book Binding Guide (PDF)
Christmas Carols Book Cross (PDF)
Christmas Carols Book Music Sheet (PDF)
Christmas Carols Book Cross - Cricut® (SVG)
Story of Christmas Booklet
Story of Christmas Booklet Exterior (PDF)
Story of Christmas Inside Card (PDF)
Mirror Lettering
Mirror Lettering - Hand-cut (PNG)
Mirror Lettering - Circut® (PDF)
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