Understanding the Holy Spirit
For many believers, the Holy Spirit seems a mysterious member of the Trinity, but once you grasp His role in your life, He will revolutionize your Christian faith. You cannot live the Christian life by or in your own strength. It’s impossible, because sheer will and determination let you down again and again. To live a godly life requires the power of God, and the Holy Spirit brings that power into your life.
Throughout the Old Testament, God’s Spirit temporarily “came upon” people so they could accomplish the tasks God set before them. Examples include Samson (Judges 13–16), Gideon (Judges 6–8) and King David (1 Samuel 16). After Jesus ascended to Heaven to sit at the right hand of God the Father, He sent the Holy Spirit to live within each believer (Luke 24:49). This means that right now, if you’re a Christ follower, the Most High God lives inside you as the Holy Spirit. He’s there to help you by providing guidance, comfort, wisdom and power. That’s right, the Holy Spirit brings the divine power of Almighty God to dwell within you.
This divine power enables us to live the Christian life. Lean upon the Holy Spirit and let Him become the leader of your daily life. The Holy Spirit is not an “it” or impersonal presence. He’s a person, a divine person with all the attributes and nature of the Most High God. He guides you in your life but not like a spirit guide, which non-Christians follow. A spirit guide is a demonic spirit that manifests power in a person’s life, but that power is not from the Most High, one true God.
The Holy Spirit guides you primarily through the Holy Scriptures, prayer and praise. Start each day by admitting your utter dependence on Him. Ask Him each day to fill you anew and direct you so each thought, word and deed serves as an overflow of God’s Holy Spirit. Do that each day, and you’ll see the Holy Spirit work in wonderful ways through your life.
As you grow in your relationship with the Holy Spirit, He draws you closer to Jesus and God the Father, and holiness begins to take root and grow in your life. You’ll find yourself loving what God loves and hating what God hates. The Holy Spirit may convict you to give up certain activities or relationships, and each time you obey, He will deepen your walk with God.
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