Hymns for Everyday Life

Typically, we think of hymns as belonging to a formal worship service—they’re church songs. But the truth is that hymns are for everyday life. The words and tunes provide a way to strengthen our relationship with God. Singing hymns is a way to draw close to the Lord as the words direct our thoughts and minds to Him. As you learn hymns, you’ll discover that some are a perfect fit for specific situations in life. They’re a prescription that can lighten burdens, bring peace to stress, stir joy in pain and lift our souls to heaven as we sing praises to God. Check out these hymns to help build your faith.

TO PREPARE FOR BATTLE—Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus (1858); The Strife is O’er, the Battle Done (1861)

TO FIGHT OFF FEAR—Abide with Me (1847); The King of Love My Shepherd Is (1868); Nothing to Fear (modern, The Porter’s Gate)

FOR ENCOURAGEMENT—Come, O Come Thou Quickening Spirit (1664); Jesus, Cast a Look on Me (approx. 1773)

TO EXALT GOD’S MAJESTY—Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise (1867); Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (1680); Holy, Holy, Holy (1826)

TO CELEBRATE SALVATION—And Can It Be? (1738); When I Survey the Wondrous Cross (1707); Arise, My Soul, Arise (1742)

FOR COMFORT IN SORROW—Dear Refuge of My Weary Soul (approx. 1760); Jesus, Lover of My Soul (1740)

TO LEARN GOD’S WORD—The Church’s One Foundation (1866); In Christ Alone (2001)

TO FIND STRENGTH—A Mighty Fortress Is Our God (1529); Great is Thy Faithfulness (1923)

FOR HOPE—My Hope is Built on Nothing Less (Christ, the Solid Rock) (1834); The Christian’s Hope Can Never Fail (1838)

TO SHARE THE GOSPEL—Come Boldly to the Throne of Grace (late 1700s); The Gospel is Good News Indeed (appeared in The Gadsby Hymnal, 1838)

TO TRUMPET REVIVAL—We Will Feast in the House of Zion (modern, Sandra McCracken)

FOR PURE JOY—Joy to the World (1719; this is not just a Christmas/Advent hymn!); Love Divine, All Loves Excelling (1747)

TO PRAY FOR OTHERS—All Things New (1846); Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Mighty Gates (1642); For All The Saints (1864)

TO BUILD YOUR FAITH—Be Thou My Vision (translation of ancient Irish hymn, 1905)

FOR EXPRESSING GRATITUDE—Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing (1758)

TO MAKE WORK LIGHTER—Leaning on the Everlasting Arms (1887); Your Labor is Not in Vain (modern, The Porter’s Gate)

TO SURRENDER YOUR HEART—Gracious Lord, Incline Thine Ear (1745); Take My Life and Let It Be (1874)

TO ADORE JESUS—King of Saints (appeared in The Gadsby Hymnal, 1838); How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds (1779)

FOR HONORING GOD IN CREATION—How Great Thou Art (1949); All Things Bright and Beautiful (1848)

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