How Will You Worship Jesus?

In the midst of decking the halls and checking lists twice, where does your heart land with regard to Jesus, the Savior of the world, born that night long ago? Does it flood with adoration or bow under the weight of to-do lists?

Jesus arrived on the winds of heavenly worship, and all who encountered Him responded in worship. As you shift into the holiday season, take time to stop and ponder the wonder of Jesus’ birth. Consider how awesome it is that the invisible God of the universe was willing to leave heaven and come to earth because He loves you. Let that truth sink into your soul and saturate your spirit until you are overwhelmed with thanksgiving and praise.

Worship encompasses singing, submitting, rejoicing, proclaiming and believing God or His messenger and sharing what God has revealed to you. You might find yourself rejoicing and proclaiming God’s greatness to others or sharing your faith in Jesus. Or maybe, like the Magi, you’ll bring gifts of your time, abilities or finances in an act of worship.

Encourage yourself to worship by journaling to describe God’s greatness, using those words in prayer or praise. Praise Him for His goodness, His mercy that endures forever, His loving kindness, His love that never fails. Direct your thoughts to the Deity of Jesus as you contemplate the Christmas Story. Worship will overflow from your heart, and God’s presence will draw near and flood your being.

The Bible says that we enter God’s gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise (Psalm 100:4). To have a closer relationship with Jesus, begin with thanksgiving and praise. Worship the key to unlock the door into the presence of the Lord, will bring refreshing joy to your holiday celebrations. O come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord!

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