50 Ways to Give Back

This holiday season give to others. Here are some ideas.

1. Volunteer. volunteermatch.org

2. Pray for missionaries.

3. Visit a nursing home.

4. Give school supplies to needy kids.

5. Thank a soldier. operationgratitude.com or amillionthanks.org

6. Keep a child warm. operationwarm.org

7. Host a dinner for college students.

8. Write thank-you notes to teachers.

9. Donate blood. redcross.org/blood

10. Bake for a busy neighbor.

11. Babysit for someone’s date night.

12. Collect trash at a local park, lake or beach.

13. Give a favorite book to a kid.

14. Write résumés for the jobless.

15. Read to a blind person.

16. Deliver old coats, hats and gloves to a shelter.

17. Buy groceries for a new mom.

18. Gift frequent flier miles. wish.org/ways-to-help/giving/airline-miles

19. Reconnect with an old friend.

20. Tutor a struggling student. 

21. Make a blanket. projectlinus.org

22. Drive a cancer patient to treatments. cancer.org/treatment/supportprogramsservices/road-to-recovery

23. Organize a sing-a-long at a children’s hospital.

24. Sell items for charity on eBay.com. givingworks.ebay.com

25. Stock a food pantry.

26. Lend a hand with special events at church.

27. Ship books to soldiers. booksforsoldiers.com

28. Remember disabled veterans. dav.org/help-dav

29. Clean a church.

30. Cook a hot meal for someone who is sick.

31. Walk the neighbor’s dog.

32. Fill a shoebox. samaritanspurse.org/what-we-do/operation-christmas-child

33. Listen to someone who is lonely.

34. Run an 8K that benefits wounded vets. woundedwarriorproject.org/wwp-8k-runs.aspx

35. Teach Sunday School.

36. Donate to The Salvation Army. satruck.org

37. Prepare meals for seniors. mowaa.org

38. Give toys. toysfortots.org/donate/toys.aspx

39. Shovel snow for others.

40. Share the Gospel with a prisoner. prisonfellowship.org/get-involved/volunteer

41. Weatherproof someone’s home.

42. Grow plants to give away.

43. Provide a life-changing gift to a needy family. heifer.org/gift-catalog/index.html

44. Treat your coworkers to a restaurant meal.

45. Drive neighborhood kids to church.

46. House-sit for a family going out of town.

47. Volunteer at a homeless shelter.

48. Ask your pastor to take a “dollar blessing” at your church to help a needy person.

49. Pay-it-backward at a coffee drive-thru.

50. Spread God’s Word around the world. gift.americanbible.org

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