Fast Facts About Dahlias

These larger-than-life bloomers deliver abundant stems on a plant that’s trouble-free. Grow your own or buy them at your favorite farmers market. The flowers’ fall finery dresses up the plainest vase as emblems of God’s creative handiwork and intricate attention to detail. If He gives dahlias such glorious splendor, how much more will He bestow on you? Take encouragement and inspiration from this floral classic.

Pops of Color

Flowers are a Glory to behold. Which is the most beautiful? Peonies with their glorious watercolor petals? Ranunculus blooms with their vibrant, tightly layered designs? Or even intricate protea—otherworldly assemblages of tiny florets? Each is unique and treasured by the Designer, their details a symbol of His artistry and love. Yet these are only flowers. How much more artistry do you think God has bestowed upon you, sculpted in the beauty of His image?

Blooms of Beauty

Flowers are a glory to behold. But which is the most beautiful?

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